March 24, 2004

Havin' Some Fun Now

I've been at this for an hour.
It's extra-special fun if you pretend it's someone you'd like to see pinned down all splayed out and at your dissectiony mercy. However, sadly the program doesn't allow for any improvisational slashing snipping.
In a side note, I never realized a frog's liver is so big. They must drink a lot.
Yep, my world is full of drunken frogs and maddened virtual knife-play.

Posted by LeeAnn at March 24, 2004 08:50 AM | TrackBack

You know what's really fun? Fetal pig dissection. Seriously! And, I hate to say it, I enjoyed the cat dissections in nursing scheel as well. Don't worry. They were cats who'd been unadoptable in shelters.

There's something very odd and fascinating about dissections. The ability to touch and identify parts of animals gives you the opportunity to appreciate the wonder of the human body. (Okay, I can't really explain it adequately...but it's there.)

Posted by: Da Goddess at March 24, 2004 09:27 AM

Goddess- It's the same kind of satisfaction of looking for a small town on a map and finding it by backtracking and finagling.
I'm kind of male in that I hate to ask for directions, be it to Podunk or a spleen.

Posted by: LeeAnn at March 24, 2004 10:00 AM