March 24, 2004

Mr. Spontaneity Makes His Move

You know, I thought the GM1 was being a little too anal when he had me bookmark Mapquest.
He's got nothing on this guy.

FUNDAMENTAL FACTOR: 1 - 7 women to have 1 - 20 children by me.
A major weakness in my plan at present is that I am very poor. In plunging into putting forth the ideas that appear on this website, I simply figured that I would cross the financial bridge when I came to it. The fact is that I have almost nothing. I apologize for this difficulty. My interests don't lie in the practical arena.

The reason that I mow lawns for a living is so that I'll have time to pursue my interests. The income is minimal. Also, I don't know to what degree I'm willing to compromise my interests. But not much.

Now, I will say that I might have income potential. For example, if a book sold. But this is not a sure thing.

The queue forms to the right, ladies.

Posted by LeeAnn at March 24, 2004 09:02 AM | TrackBack

That man needs a clue. Can I take my club and offer him one?

Posted by: Da Goddess at March 24, 2004 09:17 AM

Wow - what a prize! Oh the lucky girl who gets him. Be still my heart. But keep him far away from me - I tend to lead with an elbow to the throat, I'd hate to think I'd removed such an eligible bachelor from the dating scene when someone who is single could have the satisfaction of doing it instead.

Posted by: Teresa at March 24, 2004 10:31 AM

I read this guys site a while back, it look like it has had an 'upgrade'... can you tell me though, did he add the clause I always assumed would be there? you know the one, the 'I will eat you' clause, cause seriously, look at that guys picture.
Two Words. 'Serial' and 'Killer'

Posted by: xade at March 24, 2004 04:46 PM

Be afraid. Be very afraid.

Thanks for the comment, and the welcome mat. ...

Of course, if you insist on breaking The Rules ...


Posted by: The Commissar at March 24, 2004 05:37 PM

wow... by far, this page here:

is the best piece of writing I've seen in years... well.. at least the best opening sentence I've seen in the past 30 seconds...

oh, and Commissar is right... Serial Killer...

Posted by: Eric at March 25, 2004 05:32 PM

I've occasionally played with the idea of buying a perfectly honest personal ad, as a joke. What always stopped me was the thought that somebody might actually take me up on it. That kind of person would be really scary.

Posted by: Justthisguy at March 27, 2004 05:58 AM