July 05, 2005


Stew has tickled my fancy (as opposed to tickling my basic, I suppose) with this meme about childhood. As I am currently in my second one, I will have to plumb the depths of time.....

Things I Miss The Most From My Childhood V.1

1. Freedom. Freedom from petty bullshit, like politics and correctness. Freedom from making decisions, like paper or plastic, pay electric or cable, spit or swallow. Freedom from self-consciousness, like "do these pants make me look fat? How fat? Like Rosie O'Donnell fat? Really? Shit."

2. Penny candy. You could carefully swipe a quarter from Mom's purse, meet up with your best friend and hit the corner candy shop. With your combined pilferings, an entire afternoon of gorging and subsequent sugar-induced vibration could be had.

3. My grandfather. I spent nearly every summer with my grandparents, and my grandfather was more than just my disappeared father's father... he was my father in all the ways that mattered. I learned the importance of physical fitness via helping him coach high school baseball, the value of science via Marlin Perkins, the glories of language via countless stories and memory tales. I learned I wasn't a cast-off pain in the ass who was the main reason Daddy Dearest bailed. I had value and worth and self-esteem and the best pitching arm on any 9 year old girl for one wonderful season, all because Papaw said so.
He hung the sun and spoke to the stars, and he was the center of my universe for many years and countless memories, and he was gone far too soon.

4. The pool. Let me rephrase, THE pool. It was within walking distance of Papaw's house and he'd get me a membership each summer. My day wasn't a complete day unless I walked by myself to the pool and swam all day, stopping to get a corndog and soda at lunch, waiting a half hour, and then swimming some more.
These days, I sink like stone. Go figger. Corndogs must be heavier nowadays.

5. Bare feet. I went barefoot from the day school ended until the following fall. I had feet like leather and was fearless. Hot asphalt? Pfffft. Gravel? Hahaha! Nettles? Okay, I admit I did do the "Holy shit that STINGS!" dance when I tromped through some nettles.
This is probably the reason that today I have feet nearly as wide as they are long.
Don't care. And I'm still barefoot 75% of the time.

And now it’s your turn. The Rules:
Remove the first person from the following list, bump everyone up one spot and put your blog in the number 5 spot. Please link all of the blogs as they are linked now. This will be on your permanent record.
Routon Family Homeschool
Golly Blog Howdy!
Hasty Ruminations
Get yerself Stewed
The Cheese Stands Alone

Now here's the part where I'm supposed to nominate four folks to pick up this kite and run with it, but I think everyone I know has done it, and if they haven't, the guilt will be killing them and they'll do it and feel so much better they send me all their penny candy.
You know who you are.

Posted by LeeAnn at July 5, 2005 06:34 PM

I'm totally with you on the bare feet thing. Here I am pushing thirty (pushing it uphill, too!) and the first thing that happens when I get home from work is I shed my shoes. Even in the winter. Even if the floor is freezing and I suddenly can't feel my feet anymore. Slippers are for wussies! :)

Posted by: TinaK at July 6, 2005 09:00 AM

Oh... And I sympathize about your grandfather. I felt the same about my grandma, though without the baseball. I really miss her...

Posted by: TinaK at July 6, 2005 09:02 AM

Somehow I knew quoting you would get you to do this

Oh and it's not the corndog that's causing you to sink. It's the fact that you're holding on to that accordian...

Posted by: Stew at July 6, 2005 02:07 PM

I've been lurking here(thanks to Bob)for ages and thought it's about time I pop in for a visit. I miss the joy I used to get from small town country fairs and the crunch of those teeth breaking red candy apples.

Posted by: Bonnie at July 6, 2005 02:24 PM

Yeah, for some reason, employers usually don't take it well if an employee shows up for work in bare feet. Running around barefoot is a great childhood memory! And, I loved hearing about Papaw. How lucky you were to have him.

Posted by: Mellie Helen at July 11, 2005 03:00 PM