Best line from TV recently ("Point Pleasant"):
"I feel like something's moving in my head.Posted by LeeAnn at March 19, 2005 08:16 PM
That's normal, right?"
Wait. Did I just read the words "best" and "Point Pleasant" in the same sentence?:)
Posted by: Janet at March 19, 2005 08:56 PMWord, Janet!
I'm wondering if that's the first time since the show started that those two words appeared in a sentence together.
I know, I know... it ain't Shakespeare, or even The O.C., but it's good train-wreck TV. Plus my hero's (Joss Whedon- "Firefly", "Buffy the Vampire Slayer")protege (Marti Noxon) writes it, so I'm compelled by my very loins to be devoted.
Just gotta, just dang gotta.