March 19, 2005

Raise Your Hands

Perhaps it's age. Perhaps it's my current personal state of affairs. Or perhaps I'm just more confident in my identity less worried about superficial praise just don't give a good crap anymore drunk. But I find I'm blogging more and more "from the heart", i.e. without my mental editor. I thinking I'm opening up sharing the real me getting too damn lazy and not holding back as I normally do.
Honest. What, you thought I was just mentally circling the drain being colorful and impulsive? Darlings, everything I have said is carefully crafted and calculated to make full use of those tricky alliterative skills present a certain, light-hearted, good-natured, sweetness-and-light persona.
In reality, I am a brat. A self-centered meanie who revels in the disasters and foibles of others. A real person.
And that's okay. Really, it is. I used to be obsessed worried a bit concerned that if I didn't play nice, no one would want to play with me. (By play with me, let me clarify, I don't mean swap naked photos. Get your hand off the email button now.) I mean that if I'm really me, no one will want to comment, or email, or blogroll me, let alone every meet me in the flesh.
(Yes, I used the word flesh. It's not an invitation. Must I remove your email button entirely?)
But massive quantities of alcohol some deep thinking has made me realize a few things:
1. Only a few of you know me in (let me giggle on this phrase) "real life".
2. I have caller I.D.
3. The chance of me ever having the wherewithal to go to any blogmeetupthingy is very close to my bank balance, i.e. low to none.
4. Is "wherewithal" a real word, or did I dream it up during strip-Scrabble? It looks funny.
These conclusions, while saddening in the squashing of hopes and dreams (I really wanted to give Eric a noogie someday, because that's what you do to little brothers), are also very freeing. I can say anything I want. I can be as contrary as I want. I can have (dare I say it?) opinions.
The mind wobbles. Let me sit down.
Okay then, onward.
So let's continue in this babbling vein and flatly state a confession:
I have a secret blogroll.
Go on, weep for my lost humanity, I've earned it.
Finished? Need a tissue? Used your sleeve? Ewww. Okay then, onward again.
I guess blogroll is technically a misnomer, since it's not on a blog. Or maybe it is correct, since it's a list of blogs. But more to the point, it's a compilation of blogs I read fairly regularly, but wouldn't put on my blogroll here at The Cheese because they are what are clinically known as Train Wrecks.
You know what I mean. Those blogs whose writers or subject matter is so off the charts downright Bad that you can't stop looking. You tell yourself that this has to be the worst thing you've ever read, the stupidest outlook you've ever heard, the worst bullshit you've ever witnessed... and yet you bookmark them and go back time and time again to see what else upliftingly ridiculous they've said, thus assuring you that no matter how bad you write, no matter how your life is going, no matter what petty crimes again humanity you commit, there is Someone Else out there who is a bigger waste of skin than you are.
It's the same theory behind the show "Cops". I love "Cops".
So that's my big confession for tonight. I hope it brought you joy and happiness and if nothing else made you feel like a better person, if for no other reason than you aren't me. And no, I won't share my secret list with you. I mean, what if you're on it? How embarassing would that be?
For you, I mean, not me. I gave up shame, remember?
Or *insert evil laugh here* have I?
No, that didn't make sense. I gave up making sense, too.
As long as I'm up.... refill, anyone?

Posted by LeeAnn at March 19, 2005 08:48 PM

.. a noogie?... a NOOGIE?!?.. well.. ok, then... ;)

Posted by: Eric at March 20, 2005 07:02 AM

No... don't tell me if I'm on your secret blog roll then when I meet you one day - I won't have to be embarrassed. *grin*

Posted by: Teresa at March 20, 2005 09:40 AM

Eric- yes, a noogie... albeit in lieu of....

Teresa- You are absolutely NOT on the secret roll. You are on my "she let me link to her!" brag roll. :)

Posted by: LeeAnn at March 20, 2005 10:50 AM

Give Eric some nookie? Oh... a noogie. That's very different. Well, nevermind then.

Posted by: Dash at March 20, 2005 05:18 PM

I liken this 'secret blogroll' (that I will not confirm or deny having, myself) as watching Jerry Springer. It's. . .not so much that I feel better/above said individuals who appear there -- it's that sometimes I need to know that my life ain't all that bad. Mostly. At times.

Anyway. It's a freeing thing, this being 40. And the attendant "don't give a shit" attitude that comes with the territory.

Posted by: Margi at March 20, 2005 05:32 PM

I'm glad I'm on the public roll. Hey, wait a don't have blogs on both rolls do you?

Posted by: Jim at March 21, 2005 06:56 AM

I'm crushed to see that I'm on the public blogroll. How can I be a *truly* bad example if you're not ashamed to be seen linked to me in public? :-)

Posted by: Harvey at March 21, 2005 10:39 AM

Snorf! Another real person behind an anonymous keyboard? Please! You really don't think that we're buying into that, do you? :-)

Excuse me if this sounds rude but, I've always enjoyed reading one's thoughts much more than the party line crap.

Posted by: elliott at March 21, 2005 11:24 AM