February 27, 2005

All Cats Are Gray Up Your Nose

Cell phone conversation overheard at the beach restroom:

Young Hyper Girl: "Omigod, you can't believe how hot this guy was! He was SO CUTE, I fucking swear."
YHG: "They were... uh... blue? Maybe green. Coulda been brown, I dunno...."
YHG: "Longish short? Sorta... um, dark light brownish blondey.? You know."
YHG: "No, he rode his bike over, he don't have no car."
YHG: "On the beach... yeah, on the beach! I got sand all up in..."
YHG: "Because he lives with his mom, can you just imagine if we... huh?"
YHG: "I wouldn't say fat, no. Not really."
YHG: "What?"
YHG: "He had a LOT of coke, Amber, THAT'S why!"

Posted by LeeAnn at February 27, 2005 03:30 PM

Thus the beach bimbette proves out the old advertising slogan... things go better with coke. *grin*

Posted by: Teresa at February 28, 2005 11:09 AM

Just think what she might have done if he had lots of pepsi...

Posted by: triticale at March 3, 2005 05:01 AM