February 27, 2005

6000 5000 Words (Because Jim Can Count Better Than I Can)

What I Did On My Summer Vacation Sunday At The Beach:

Your one stop shop for all your beach needs.

This place is always packed, with a long line waiting. The GM1 and I have concluded they must put crack in the scrambled eggs.

A brief pause to fix my broken ass... I managed to get a charlie horse in only one ass cheek reflect on the beauty of the sea.

Round one of the Beer Olympics, which involved chugging a good size serving of beer and spinning round and round and running for the goal and back. We left before Round Two, Power-Puking. (No, I didn't see the Pope anywhere... sneaky bastard.)

Bobo the monkeyboy loves cheese AND parking lots.

Posted by LeeAnn at February 27, 2005 02:55 PM

Hey, that's only 5,000 words!

Posted by: Jim at February 27, 2005 03:17 PM

Or ~5,130 if you're feeling generous.

Posted by: Jim at February 27, 2005 03:19 PM

That one stop shop for all your beach needs reminded me of a strip mall near where I used to live. At one point, it had a liquor store, a gun shop, a tattoo parlor and a head shop. (The gun shop left close to the time the lingere modeling place moved in.) All your vice needs in one parking lot!

Posted by: Julia at February 27, 2005 06:30 PM

there is this strip mall in Vegas ( and where else COULD it be) where the 3 stores sell ( starting from the left), Guns, Booze, Drugs.

At the corner of Sahara and the Strip.

That is what it says on the signs above the store

Keep it simple and they will come

Posted by: Mike at February 28, 2005 08:17 AM