February 06, 2005

A Small But Select Sampling

Just a few notes to let the proper authorities my loyal Cheeseites know what's been going on.

1. Work, while it is admittedly much better than when I was a Sales Chick, still is stressful as:
a. New Manager changes the schedule on not only a daily basis, as the mood strikes, but sometimes from hour to hour. She also feels the need to have a meeting with me every single change. Yesterday we had six meetings, all to cover 15 minute increment adjustments. I suspect ADD.
b. During certain sales events, we of the Signage Team are expected to set aside our own individual responsibilities and work en masse to make sure clearance items are all marked down. Yet our own work is deadline-dependent and we are screeched at encouraged continually to finish our our work as well, all without being given extra time to do so. Again, knowledge of time parameters is not NM's strong suit.
c. Due to bookkeeping conflicts, it was necessary to pay me at my old rate the first paycheck of the new position. This upcoming check should show an increase in pay, as the rate for Signage Team is higher than for Sales Floor. However, when I asked the Big Boss how much I was going to be making, he said he had no idea and would have to get back to me on it. I think he's having his people call my people.
d. Stress on Item C is compounded by the revelation of a Team coworker than she has been on the Signage Team for over four months and has NEVER been increased in pay. I suspect Big Boss's people are NOT going to call my people.

2. Another little tidbit from work (yes, it's true, give a man a fish and he eats dinner. Teach him to fish and he never fucking shuts up about it.)... back in the hell that never seemed to end holidays, I found a gift card in the aisle of the main store and ran the balance on it, to discover it had a nice sum still available. As per procedure, I turned it over to Old Manager to hold for me for 30 days until I could claim it. Now that 30 days has passed, Old Manager maintains after several requests to check on the card's status that:
a. She is too busy.
b. She is on her way out.
c. She just came in and can't just now.
d. "What are you talking about?"
e. She thinks the card was lost/stolen/given to the gypsies.
f. "Why don't you go ask New Manager?" *in most sarcastic tone possible, knowing NM does not have access to safe.*
I will never see it again, as both it and I are a casualty in this War of the Worlds...er, Managers.

3. I am making spinach/artichoke dip for the GM1 and I to feast on while watching the Superbowl this afternoon. Since I have a keen grasp of math and measures, I have discovered I've accidentally tripled the recipe and will be eating this dip for the rest of eternity or until the Saints get to the Superbowl, whichever comes first.

4. I just sneezed and hiccuped at the same time and I think I dislocated my nose. Or at least the left nostril.

5. My favorite t-shirt slogan is "The Liver Is Evil. It Must Be Punished."

6. I shall now take my leave of you to go begin doing just that while I watch the Pre-Game Pre-Show. I like to Pre-Beer.

Posted by LeeAnn at February 6, 2005 12:26 PM

.. we so need you to come to the Jekyll Island blogmeet... bring the GM1 and that dip...

Posted by: Eric at February 6, 2005 01:48 PM

ADD no. Control freak, yes.

Posted by: Azygos at February 6, 2005 05:35 PM

ADD would be if he never actually changed the schedule because he had to check the lines, then check inventory , then......

Still, it is tough when someone has trust issues

Posted by: Mike at February 7, 2005 08:48 AM

If the next check isn't the upgraded "signage check 1.0" as opposed to the trial version "sales check 0.9" I would be looking for another job... Just a thought...

It's great blog fodder though!

Posted by: Teresa at February 7, 2005 02:11 PM

I've sneezed and coughed at the same time and it's not that great a feeling either.

Posted by: Xinh at February 7, 2005 04:44 PM

This retail outfit sounds like an interesting place to work. Perhaps there is at least one other retail business that would appreciate your expertise added into their staff? Worth considering, IMHO.

Posted by: Mellie Helen at February 7, 2005 05:27 PM