January 08, 2005

Random Thoughts That, Strangely Enough, Were Not Alcohol-Induced But Hope Springs Eternal, As Does This Post Title

1. Is it really necessary to wrap a gift box for a blind person?
2. If I have a sex change, I will also change the theme of my blog from cheese to sausage.
3. On that note, "spotted dick" is just fun to say.
4. The grocery employee of whom I asked the location of "spotted dick" did not know where it was.
5. Neither did the next one, nor the next. The fourth looked ready to smack me.
6. Do not ask male employees this question, as they seem far too ready to help you find it in a most personal way.
7. My toes look funny from up here.
8. They don't look any less odd up close.
9. Now I have a crick in my back. Ow.
10. They say alcohol can have a calming effect on cricky backs.
11. Self-medication is a fine tradition.
12. Let's see what else I can injure.

Posted by LeeAnn at January 8, 2005 06:02 PM


Posted by: Allan at January 8, 2005 07:45 PM

Did you know that excessive computer use can result in carpal tunnel syndrome? My wrists hurt. I need a drink...

Posted by: zonker at January 9, 2005 01:38 PM