November 17, 2004

Speak Up

The little voices in my head and I are arguing.

Me: And move this to here, that to there, add this.... hey presto!
LV: You gonna push that button?
Me: Yeah, I'm done.
LV: You sure you want to push that button?
Me: You sure you want to just climb down off my ass? Yeah, I wanna push that button.
Me: Why? What's wrong with that button?
LV: *whistling an airy tune*
Me: C'mon, really... why not?
LV: Oh, you don't want to hear it from me.
Me: *banging head on desk* Pleeeeeeeeease... just tell me already.
LV: Well, I was just wondering... you want to save the changes or erase the entire template?
Me: Huh?
LV: You push that, you save. You push that, you erase. You drink coffee faster, you don't need me to remind you of this. Sheesh.
Me: Oh shut up. *push* There.
(very long pause)
Me: Oh hell no, I did NOT do that.
LV: *snicker*
Me: Shut up. And get me a quad espresso.

Posted by LeeAnn at November 17, 2004 07:38 AM