Your attention please.
For those of you who keep an address book and have room to alter the C page, let's have a little announcement:
The Cheese Stands Alone's email address will no longer be the hotmail one, but will be as follows:
cheesemistress at cox dot net
Those of you with important missives regarding financial woes in Nigeria, exotic computer virii, and annoying spammish advertising should send all mail to the following:
That is all.
Posted by LeeAnn at June 23, 2004 08:01 AMI'll miss little Bobo!
Posted by: Lynn at June 23, 2004 02:28 PMNever fear, little Bobo is always with us.
The omnipotent Bobo.... I like the sound of that. Would look good on a t-shirt.
"Touch my omnipotent Bobo."
I know I mean omnipresent, but omnipotent sounds better.
And dirtier!
Posted by: Lynn at June 24, 2004 04:36 PM