June 22, 2004

Avoiding the Obvious

Jerry at Red Wheelbarrow has this report of an alleged PETA (spit spit) member who cons her way into a private home to "investigate" pet care.
I have no such problems round Maison Fromage. Number one, I don't let anyone in my door that I don't know. Number two, I have this sign in my front window:

"Armed and Frivolous"

It keeps the random knocking down.
"Armed and dangerous"... I think that's a bit too much warning. "Armed and frivolous"... that puts that smidge of uncertainty into play... "Will she shoot me? What part will she shoot? Is it a part I'm going to need the use of later in life? Is it a waterpistol or a Beretta?"
Now take your Watchtowers and get the hell off my doorstep.

Posted by LeeAnn at June 22, 2004 08:49 AM

"Armed & PMSing

Do you feel lucky?"

It's nice to be feared...


Posted by: Myria at June 22, 2004 09:40 AM

And while PETA's at it, they can get the hell off my lawn or I'll throw another steak on the grill.

Posted by: Da Goddess at June 22, 2004 08:26 PM