June 21, 2004

So It's Not Only Me

"What's up with my cat? She looks at me strangely when I sing and dance for her." – cat owner, New York, NY.
"I think if my dog received mail, it would build his character. Can I register him on your mailing list?" – dog owner, Richmond, VA.
"When my dog pees, he leaves brown patches all over the lawn. Is he peeing fire?" – dog owner, Covington, KY.
And many more to be found at Iams' Customer Service Calls. Posted by LeeAnn at June 21, 2004 06:38 PM

When we were just starting out, lo these many long years ago, I acquired a silly item of headgear consisting of a headband and a parasol. I put it on in the house, and our Janeycat looked at me so askance that I took it off in embarrasment.

She also would climb up on the nightstand, and look down at me Snoopy as vulture style whenever I woke up with a hangover.

Posted by: triticale at June 21, 2004 07:14 PM