April 22, 2004

You Asked, They Answered ("They" Meaning Me and the Little Voices In My Head)

DRC asks:
1. If you could be alone in a room with one person for 24 hours with no repercussions, who would it be?
Tom Hanks. Without question, Tom Hanks. I have had a Tom Hanks fixation since "Bosom Buddies." It's now increased to the power of a neurotic obsession. I can't watch any movie, or at least any part of a movie, where something bad happens to Tom Hanks. I cried hysterically for three days after I saw "Cast Away".
To this day, I curse the name of Helen Hunt.
Curse you, Helen. Curse you again.
2. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?
In a penthouse, with room service and a spectacular view.
With Tom Hanks.
3. Would you ever be on a Reality Show?
Well, now I know that I don't know you in life-outside-bloggery, DRC, because my friends and family are sick unto death of hearing me go on and on and on about how my dream is to be on "Survivor". I'd settle for "Big Brother", but "Survivor" is the true enchilada.
If I can't have Tom Hanks, by the way, Jeff Probst is a damn close second.
Wait, if I'm a really good cheese, can I have both?

One of my idols, Teresa, asks:
1) Do you change your hair color everytime you change the colors on your blog?
Not anymore, but in my *coughlonglongagomisspent* youth, I was known as Rainbow Head. I have quite literally, at one time or another, had every color hair possible. My most memorable was the time I sported mainly copper-penny red, with fuschia bangs and rat-tail. Remember rat-tails? Yes, it was that damn long ago.
2) Are you going to apply to be on the next version of Donald Trump's Apprentice so we can get behind the scenes blog reports? (after the Fairy Floss cart - Trump's requests should be a piece of cake -right?)
I want to be the one who follows the Donald around with the hair spray supply. Talk about job security!
3) What's your favorite article of clothing?
Back in those days of yore that sound so much better now than when I was actually living them, I had a black shiny spandex dress, with a zipper running completely up the front and another completely down the back. It was quite the girly-est thing I've ever had, and it was my Weekend Party Till You Drop Dress. Nowadays, modesty and zoning laws have retired The Dress, and my favorite bit of clothing are my plaid Converse hi-top sneakers.

More answers later.... it's almost time for "Survivor", you know.

Posted by LeeAnn at April 22, 2004 07:55 PM | TrackBack

Personally, and I know I'm in the minority here (and when am I not?), I would Volunteer (get it? Tom Hanks!) to be stranded on a desert island rather than be subjected to the overly hyped dog-faced girl name-a Helen Hunt. I believe I could find a questioning but subservient cocoa-nut to meet our mutual needs.

Of course, I could be wrong. But I am not, as a rule.

Posted by: Velociman at April 22, 2004 08:24 PM

No, you cannot have both. I have already lcaimed Jeff Probst. You can have Boston Rob if you want him (Barf!)

Posted by: drc at April 23, 2004 11:17 AM

I'm one of your idols? Oh Geeze - we're all in trouble now!

You know - that dress though... sounds like something my husband would really love for me to wear - LOL. Shiny black spandex with zippers - yep, he'd be all for it. *G*

Posted by: Teresa at April 23, 2004 11:18 AM