October 27, 2003

My Name Ain't O'Leary and I Don't Have A Cow

It's spooky out there. It's like there's a yellow/orange filter over the light, and the snow comes down pre-dirtied, before it even hits the ground.
The ground itself is a-glow in places.
And this is way down the road from me, at least 10 miles east and no evac going on in my neighborhood. I guess I should be counting myself as lucky.

I tried to sweep off my balcony and sucked up a nice lungful of smoke and ash, so I'm hacking like I'm savoring a hairball. I guess I'll finally get that nice sexy raspy voice I always wanted.
The wages of tidiness are breath.

But in the midst of all this, I feel compelled to say just one thing:
None of this has anything at all to do with any charcoal-production cooking I may or may have not done.
I swear.

Posted by LeeAnn at October 27, 2003 09:29 AM

Stay safe.

Posted by: Jane at October 28, 2003 08:53 AM