May 30, 2005

I'm A Memey Target

Vicki of Flutterbees fame has decided I need to bare my bloggy soul even more than I already have... what's up with that? I give and I give and yet you people are never satisfied *sob*.
Kidding. I diggeth the questions meme thing. I think if I didn't have to think of answers to questions like these, I'd never bother to form an opinion on much. Well, except cheese and my rack, of course.

1. If you could kill any celebrity by beating them with a book you own, which celebrity and book would it be?
Who is that schmuck who ate at McDonald's for a month just to make all kinds of money and look stupid doing it prove some asinine point? Oh yeah, Morgan Spurlock. I'd beat him to death with "The Dog Ate My Homework: Personal Responsibility- How We Avoid It and What to Do About It"- by Vincent Barry, a book I don't actually own yet but I'd buy and load up the pages with lead weights, just for the purpose of beating some sense into this geek. This is one of my personal peeves, not taking responsibility for your own actions, and this guy is just pushing the whole idea of a nanny state.... sheesh, let me get down off this soapbox.
Yes, I know, you don't get down off a soapbox. You get down off a duck.

2. When you have sex, is there a certain TV show you like to sync the sex up with so that as you finish, the show begins?
The GM1 reads this... how much trouble do I want to get into?
Okay, like I care about trouble.
Sometimes I'll try to finagle things so we wind up just before "Deadwood." Something about watching Al while basking in the afterglow... my kinda evening.

3. Is there a blog out there that you absolutely hate but are kind of afraid to say something on your own blog for fear that they’ll read it and come to kill you? If so, please share?
Absolutely. Although I don't really think they'd go to the aggravation of coming physically to kill me. I guess I fear the bloggy shitstorm that a blogfeud can generate. But of course, there are blogs out there that I despise for one reason or another but are on my super-secret personal bookmarks list. I can't resist a good train wreck.

4. Finish this sentence: If one more person asks me to pass on a meme…

I'll do it.
Maybe not promptly.
Maybe not carefully.
Maybe even not spelled correctly.... but I'll do it.
I'm a meme slut, I am.

5. Total volume of music files on my computer?

If I'm looking at the right thing, I have 188 MB. If I'm looking at the wrong thing, then what the hell do I have 188 of? *grumble* Techno mysteries at the break of dawn, oh yeah baby.

6. The last CD I bought was?
Yesterday I bought "Bleed Like Me" (Garbage) and "Lullabies to Paralyze" (Queens of the Stone Age), because you can never have enough cowbell.

7. Song playing right now:
Nothing to hear right now but a grackle in the front yard raising hell about some superduper worm he found. Man, that is one happy grackle.

8. Which people are you passing this baton to, and why?

My mom and my brother, because neither of them have a computer and I like a good miracle every now and then.

Posted by LeeAnn at May 30, 2005 07:54 AM

I think "The Happy Grackle" would be a great name for a bar. Yeah, I know...that wasn't the point. So what.

btw - tell the GM1 thanks much for serving. Happy Memorial Day!

Posted by: zonker at May 30, 2005 10:25 AM

It's not TV. It's HB-OH!!!

Posted by: Jeff at May 31, 2005 07:33 AM

I love your first one! I was just talking to someone recently who was praising that movie. I was very polite and made absolutely no comment (I have ground my teeth into little stumps, but I didn't say a word!)

Posted by: Teresa at May 31, 2005 11:53 AM

Thanks for doing this, and I loved your answers! Mostly I love most of your entries, you have a wonderful writing style and often times make me laugh. I envy that ability. Tonya is right, you are awesome.

Posted by: Vicki at June 1, 2005 05:26 AM