April 23, 2005

Friday Night At Lightweight Central

Follow these directions explicitly:
1. Drink one beer.
2. Giggle madly at "Blue Collar Comedy Tour" DVD.
3. Forage for snacks and wind up eating leftover sushi.
4. Drink second beer.
5. More DVD, more giggling.
6. Potty time.
7. Amuse self with handheld solitaire game whilst in potty.
8. Bitch about handheld solitaire game being a communist plot because you can't win.
9. Fling handheld solitaire game off balcony.
10. Ignore car alarm and go watch more DVD.
11. Drink 1/2 third beer and fall asleep on couch.
12. Wake up. Blame communists.
13. Repeat next weekend.

Who says I don't have a 5 year plan?

Posted by LeeAnn at April 23, 2005 08:13 AM | TrackBack
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