March 14, 2005

Idle Thoughts

If I were a storm chaser, I'd have a bumper sticker that said: "I BRAKE FOR WIND".

Posted by LeeAnn at March 14, 2005 04:54 PM

I know we've never met before but...


You are the coolest!


Posted by: Sarah the penguin at March 14, 2005 06:42 PM

That's hilarious!

Posted by: Amanda at March 15, 2005 09:28 AM

If I was an elevator operator I'd never have that sign. I like the decorations :)

Posted by: Bob at March 15, 2005 11:03 AM

My bumper sticker used to say "I accelerate for smurfs."

But then the Smurfs all died out. And besides, there needs to be a flatulence joke in there, or something...

How 'bout "Engineers Do It With Sly Drools"?

Posted by: Elisson at March 16, 2005 08:07 AM

"Tailgating is against my religion"

Posted by: moos at March 16, 2005 08:44 AM