March 12, 2005

Cake Day

It's She Who Will Be Obeyed's birthday... and her hubs has set up a comment party in her honor. Don't be shy, call up the strippers, grab some cake, and take yourself over there to give her some Happy Birthday greetings.
While you're there, look for my picture. I'm the one on the right.

Posted by LeeAnn at March 12, 2005 08:54 AM

Thanks, LeeAnn - I look like the one on the right, too!

Posted by: Beth Donovan at March 12, 2005 11:05 AM

Hmmmm...which comment to leave...

1.) So the botox didn't work, LeeAnn?

2.) Nice puppies!

Posted by: zonker at March 12, 2005 07:56 PM