March 11, 2005

The Devil Is In The Details

Technical difficulties of a sort are kicking my ass this afternoon. Possible a sign that I should be attending to neglected chores instead of blogging, but until the Clue Fairy hits me over the head with his wand, tough noogies.
One oddity today... I was trying to comment on a blogspot blog and got the tidy little message "The blog you were looking for was not found." Not once, but three times. Considering I got to this FROM the blog they claim not to find, I suggested loudly that if it were up their ass eating a ham sandwich, they'd know where it was. (This is the standard response around here if you ask the location of something... as is "time to get a watch" if you inquire of the time. We're a helpful lot.)
Okay, fine. Blogspot's got the rag on, I can deal with this.
Next I went to visit some LiveJournal folks.... who kept telling me the document contained no data. Fine. Be that way. Keep your stinky old data, I don't NEED your data. I got plenty data of my own. *sniffle* Data hogs.
This put me in the spirit of avoiding chores further improving my own little blog, so I set about reinstalling Sitemeter on The Cheese, since a while back I'd removed it in a fit of Bloody goddamn hell it won't LOAD, what's holding it up? Oh... you again. *rip rip rip* But somewhere down the line, Sitemeter has declared a jihad on me and declares "The connection was refused." Fine. Bet you didn't know the connection you're refusing was to those legendary skinny-dipping photos from my drunken orgiastic sot-fest vacation, did you, Sitemeter? Ha! Too bad for you.
So technical improvements will have to wait until the digital planets align or whatever the hell needs to happen. Maybe I can spend the time constructively anyway, like learning all the little bits of Movable Type that I never bothered to learn.... like what happens if I click on thi

Posted by LeeAnn at March 11, 2005 02:10 PM

Blogger seems to be givin me a lotta trouble lately. Like you, I kept gettin the 'this blog cannot be found' message....except I was tryin to publish a friggin post. I was already IN the damn thing.

It's better now. I think.

Posted by: Pammy at March 11, 2005 10:14 PM

What's funny is I used to be a bit of a tech geek, I knew HTML, programmed, etc... Now, as far as my blog goes, I do NOTHING. I got a free redesign, otherwise I would still have a standard Blogger template and my wife hooks me up on Haloscan and all that stuff. Just been to lazy to worry about it...

Hope your tech issues get resolved

Posted by: Bubblehead at March 12, 2005 07:49 AM

I hear ya! I tried to comment on my own friggin' blog and blogspot couldn't find it. It was MY blog and I couldn't comment.

I do think they have their bugs worked out, though.

Posted by: AB at March 14, 2005 07:52 AM