March 17, 2005

Gravity- 1; Rocky- 0

The enterprising young thing downstairs has branched out into prizefighting. I don't know if she recently saw "The Contender" or "Million Dollar Baby", but fists were flying.
As usual, the parking lot had a few carloads of her friends waiting for her, and apparently some words were exchanged between two "suitors". Maybe one of them owed the other for funds borrowed earlier... I dunno. There was the usual posturing and shouting and throwing of backwards-worn ballcaps to the ground. Could have been more than the usual, because there was a contingent of young skanks serving as audience.
One young stallion, bristling with bad Olde English font tattoos and a shaved head, finally advanced on the other combatant, took a few swings, which were avoided, and then hunched down into himself and moved in with purpose.
He looked good. He looked a bit dangerous and competent. He looked mean.
Up until the point his fashionably worn-dangling-down-to-crotch-level pants fell off.
It's hard to look lethal with your tidy whities out there for all to see. Particularly with that skidmark oh-so-evidently striping the backside.
There was no round two.

Posted by LeeAnn at March 17, 2005 05:37 AM


Posted by: Bob at March 17, 2005 07:58 AM

Note to self: Do NOT drink coffee while reading this blog. Computer keyboards (and screens) do not like coffee.

Posted by: neonangel at March 17, 2005 05:55 PM

When my son was in a Karate school where there was a lot of bowing to teachers, one student walked in with, actually rather conservatively low slung jeans for Oakland. He put his hands to his side and bowed, and, well, you know, I'd of thought they'd wear boxers. Gray pinstrip knit.

And you are saying tighty-whities. He should have had them safety-pinned. That's what I hear they do.

Posted by: Edith at March 17, 2005 08:52 PM

.. sounds like quite a neighborhood...

Posted by: Eric at March 19, 2005 06:01 AM