I've always suspected something was up with the girl downstairs. Most teenagers will take full advantage of the fact that Mom is working.... have a few friends over after school, maybe a boyfriend, have a bit of a party.
Apparently Girl Downstairs is a member of the Future Business Leaders of America or something. No mere babysitting or job at McDonald's for this chick.
She's a member of the oldest profession.
No, she's not a farmer.
This was all, up until this afternoon, pure speculation on my part. I don't like her, never have, and as long as she has that damnable stereo system with the speakers she obviously stole from Spinal Tap ("they go all the way to 11") I never will. So perhaps my labeling of her as "That Little Whore", as I fondly refer to her, might have been just rhetoric on my part.
This afternoon, one two three four FIVE teenage boys came out of her apartment. I know this not because I keep that strict of tabs on her, but because teenage boys have two tones of voice... mumble and LOUD AS HELL. These guys were stumbling out to their car, high-fiving and shoving each other as boys will do, and as they were getting into the car, one boy stopped and looked back at the apartment. The kid driving got out to see what the hold up was.
Pausing Boy, after another glance back: "Dude... loan me ten?"
Driver Boy: *lauging* "Going back for seconds?"
*long pause*
Pausing Boy: "Uh... yeah."
Driver Boy, handing over money collected from the others in the car: "Dude, pace yourself. Shit."
And Pausing Boy dashed back into the apartment building.
Spring break should be interesting around here.
Posted by LeeAnn at March 8, 2005 05:26 PMUhh...er...What's that address again? Just Damn!
Posted by: Dax Montana at March 8, 2005 07:29 PMReally, that's kind of sad.
Posted by: Momotrips at March 8, 2005 10:24 PMWhat an enterprising young lass.
.. 10 bucks?.. the poor girl isn't just a tragic whore, but a tragically CHEAP one too...
Posted by: Eric at March 9, 2005 05:16 AMMaybe you should put a stop to this before you next hear the pitter-patter of little feet - i.e., teen pregnancy/screeching infant.
Posted by: Amanda at March 9, 2005 07:23 AMYa know, if she tapes the fun, she could be the next Paris Hilton.
Posted by: Harvey at March 9, 2005 08:46 AMThis post makes me want to cry.
Good god, just...why. I mean, so where does she go from here, one wonders.
Posted by: Jennifer at March 9, 2005 09:57 AMWell, Jennifer....for $25 bucks she'll pretty much go anywhere.
(Sorry...had to be said.)
Posted by: zonker at March 9, 2005 01:01 PM