March 07, 2005

Poking Through The Ashes

If the founding father of blogging can finally burn out, what hope can be held for the rest of us? This article about Jason Hall, and other blogging pioneers says "Blogs, to some extent, have built-in expiration dates." And we all know someone from our blogroll like our sorely-missed Primal Purge, who hung up the gloves and retired from the ring.
But this video, made by Hall as his closing online declaration, is both the scariest and yet the most satisfying thing I've seen in a long time. Because who hasn't felt like this at one time or another? Yep, lots of times.
I particularly liked John Walkenbach of J-Walk Blog's comment about the decent time to stay away if you make the break (toward the end of the article) because how many times have we seen that sort of thing happen and thought pretty much the same thing? Yep, lots.

Posted by LeeAnn at March 7, 2005 02:13 PM