March 11, 2005

Knowledge Is A Powerful Tool

Rant Morgan- Showing you how to do things you shouldn't do.
Excerpt from How To Go Cow Tipping:

Be sneaky and don't touch the cow before the actual tipping though. They're oblivious sometimes and may not catch on that you're there, but if they do, they’re not going to tip over. They’ll probably moo. Then you’ve just spent time touching a cow in a field for no reason.

I love to learn.

Posted by LeeAnn at March 11, 2005 07:06 AM

And nobody should touch a cow for no reason. I've heard you'll go blind if you do it too much.

Posted by: Amanda at March 11, 2005 08:46 AM

As a perso who's tipped many a cow in her day, I'd also add that you shouldn't stand there and laugh at the cows while they get back up.

Because they're pissed off and they bite. Hard.

Posted by: Xinh at March 11, 2005 10:38 AM

Oh, and if you end up tipping a bull, do NOT stand there staring at it as it stands up. You lose a lot of your escape time that way. (Or so Pat and Candy told me after they'd done just that....)

Posted by: Julia at March 11, 2005 12:18 PM