March 04, 2005


Does any one have a knife handy? I need to stab myself in the head, badly. Wait, does that make sense? If I stab myself in the head, it WOULD be bad, therefore it would be done "badly". Or maybe I mean the consequences of such stabbing would be utterly horrendous and it would be "bad". And I mean bad as in awful, not bad as in fat. Or is it phat?
Damn stupid language.
Anyway.... what the hell was I talking about? Oh yeah.
I have buggered up but good. Good, meaning badly.
Ah fuck.
What I did was this... I thought hey, it's rainy and the GM1 is at his buddy's for the evening, why don't I jack up my computer and finally get that nice Firefox everyone says is so lovely to replace this antique Mozilla 1.5.
So I did. And it's pretty. (Yes, of course I got the extra themes, I'm such a girl.)
But then comes the hand is quicker and yet far stupider than the eye part: I thought (it's that thinking thing that will be the fucking death of me, no good has ever come of such) I don't need you anymore, Mr. Mozilla 1.5, so I'm just *clickity click click* uninstalling your butt.
My brain muttered "Uh, isn't there something we want off there first?" as my mouse said "CLICK" and Mr. Mozilla 1.5 went buh-bye.
And took my mail client with it.
I have NO way to get my email, it's all gone. GONE.
Yeah, yeah, I know, panicking is undue here, because I can download that Thunderbird doowilly, and I did, and will install in toot sweet... but what if I can't get it to work? What if I've permanently buggered up my email capacity for life?
Breathing..... breathing.... drinking...
I'll let you know.
Oh, and the job I was hoping so bad to get? Didn't. And the temp agency call I've been waiting for? Didn't get it either. And even after cancelling my YMCA membership and cutting budget items to the bone and sweet-talking the apartment manager into postponing my rent increase for another month, we still might have to cancel the cable, and with it, my internet access so I guess in a while this email situation might just sort of be moot. And mute too. I shouldn't have told you all this, because it's embarassing to be sliding slowly down that slippery slope to living in a cardboard box under the freeway. But you know me. I had to tell you all this because what goes better with cheese than whine?

Posted by LeeAnn at March 4, 2005 06:08 PM


I'll think good thoughts for you on the job front. Hopefully that will help, even from France!!!

Posted by: Jack at March 5, 2005 12:18 AM

Yeah, what he said. Bomb France!

Posted by: Jim at March 5, 2005 07:07 AM


The financial situation sucks. Sorry you're going through the stress too. Keep hanging on as best you can.

As far as the current email 'hiccup' (and yes, in technology, it's classed as only a hiccup unless somebody, like, loses an eye or something, in which case it gets upgraded to glitch) Moz doesn't usually delete email data when it uninstalls. The data & program are stored in different locations. Let me know if I can be any help ferreting it out for ya. (Heh, I got to say ferret to the Cheeesemistress.)


Posted by: Light & Dark at March 5, 2005 04:15 PM

Might I suggest the quiet addition of a discrete PayPal button? No need to advertise it but if people *want* to give you some money well...what's the harm?

I certainly wouldn't mind shelling out a few bucks to support your caffeine fund and keep that cable connection rolling...I *need* my cheese, damn it. Besides, if you won't come all the way across country to attend the GA blogfests, it's probably the closest I'll ever come to being able to buy you a beer. And as Smith-Barney would say, "You've *earned* it."

Posted by: zonker at March 5, 2005 05:40 PM

Stabbing yourself in the head badly means doing a bad job of it. You miss the soft spot at the temple, the blade slides along your skull, and you lift a bit of scalp. It will bleed profusely, but the scar will be completely hidden by your hair.

Posted by: triticale at March 6, 2005 08:32 AM

OMG!!! And I thought I was doing badly with all the stupid reading I have to try and get done by the end of the month! I'm so sorry about the job stuff... I don't know if my good vibes will help, but you've got 'em if they do. Oh and what zonker said!!!

Posted by: Teresa at March 6, 2005 08:09 PM

I can totally empathize with your financial situation, kiddo. My 55 year old husband is in his last year of undergrad education. He's training to be a shrink. So we still have at least two more years before he starts working. In the meantime we're living on my dinky disability check. Take my word for it, it's no fun. But it could be worse. At least we have a roof, food, and enough clothes to protect the neighbors from dying of fright. It will get better for me, and I'm sure it will get better for you.

Posted by: Denise at March 7, 2005 01:14 AM