March 02, 2005

And I've Never Been To Spain

From Bubblehead, I find a new meme: Ten Things I've Done That You Probably Have Not

1. Been on a game show ("Win Ben Stein's Money").
2. Had an extremely large goldfish named Tallulah.
3. Thrown up off the top of Diamondhead Crater.
4. Eaten sea urchin.
5. And liked it.
6. Worn my thong around my neck on a public bus.
7. Never listened to Celine Dion willingly.
8. Had my (now ex-) husband commited to a looney bin so I could have the car for the weekend.
9. Gotten one tattoo a week for two months.
10. Had my hand stepped on by Peter Wolf of J.Geils Band

Posted by LeeAnn at March 2, 2005 04:37 PM

Well, I pissed next to Ramsey Clark once, and another time I pissed next to Jackie Robinson.

neener neener

Posted by: Jim - PRS at March 2, 2005 07:53 PM

I've eaten the thong off a woman's neck and liked it. Does that count?

Posted by: Harvey at March 3, 2005 10:06 AM

I've had sea urchin on sushi and lemme tell you it was NAHSTAY. I couldn't eat enough wasabi (also nahstay) to make the taste go away.
btw, I read your blog as a link through xihnher's blog on Nice to informally make your aquaintance. I'm not a regular reader but I catch up on everything in between.

Posted by: Prism at March 3, 2005 04:30 PM

"Neener neener" ??? Are we TWELVE?

Oh, yeah. I forgot. Sorry. :-)

If you would be willing to share tips on pulling off number 8, I have a friend who may be willing to pay. Handsomely...Not Ben Stein money, but hey.

Posted by: Jennifer at March 4, 2005 04:59 PM

Willie Brown once asked me for some pot, he is now the former mayor of SF but was Speaker of the CA assembly at the time

And I had some, and I just walked away. It was in a public place and man so I need to make the paper that way?

urchin is good but don't tell anyone

Posted by: Mike at March 5, 2005 09:41 AM