January 21, 2005

Quick and Dirty

As I mentioned here, strange things were afoot vis a vis my job. To sum up, the person with whom I interviewed called me on Monday and I started my New Position on Tuesday. (Knew all that yogaing would come in handy someday.)
It's a better fit of a job for me, because it has zero customer service encounters, at least official ones. I'll still be in the general store area, accessible by the random pubic, but when I'm doing my assigned assignagements, it's got dick-all to do with them.
I am now calling myself The Oracle, for what I do is entirely dealing with signs. Posting signs, taking down signs, revamping signs. I like this job quite well, and it's going good. Well, it was going good. Up until this afternoon.....

When I began this gig as The Oracle, I was told by my new manager that I would have nothing more to do with customer service. When I told her that my previous manager, knowing I was being hired to this new thing, had gone ahead with who knows what motives and put me on schedule in my (now old) job for Friday and Saturday. "IGNORE THAT!" trumpeted my New Manager. "YOU ARE NOT WITH THAT JOB NOW! YOU DO ONLY SIGNS! ONLY! SIGNS!"
My new manager is a bit deaf.
So today I went in on my new hours, did my new job, came home, and took my new nap. I awoke to a voicemail on my phone, from the Old Manager saying that I should NOT go in to work on Saturday at my New Job hours, but to come in to my old job in the afternoon and work until closing because she had no one available.
Old Manager, being the crafty sort, had called me after the New Manager had left for the day, a timing of which OM was well aware. She also knows NM is off on weekends and that I would be unable to confer with her as to what the HELL is going on.
I'm rather pissed about it, and here's what I'm going to do.
I'm not going in on Saturday, to Old Job assignment with Old Manager because I don't do that anymore. OM thinks she can bulldoze me, knowing I have no one in my new upper chain of command to consult.
So, come tomorrow (my day off as stated by New Manager just this very day), I am not going in. I am not answering any calls I will surely get from Old Manager when start time comes and goes. (Love that caller I.D.) And I am going to go in my new regularly newly-scheduled day (Sunday) like nothing is going on, like I know nothing about the whole thing, and if I am confronted, will tell Old to go talk to New, because I gots a new massa now, yassum I do.
Jesus H Jumped Up Christ, can't you management types just let a girl get on with her new job in peace?

The GM1 says to just chalk it up to interstore politics, with me as a pawn, and go with the higher authority, that being in this case New Manager. And as this is the logical, rational course of action, it's what I'll do.
But part of me, the primal, monkeybrain part of me, wants to go down to BigStore right now and put a good old fashioned HURT on Old Manager. Just for making my Happy Eve Of Day Off buzz go south.
But only temporarily.....
I'm shaking, not stirring, as we speak. Extra olives, anyone?

UPDATE: The GM1 points out another option, which is to Go Ostrich, a phrase around our place which means "to pretend it never happened, thus negating the need to respond." So if the voicemail never happened....
Yeah, it's a cop-out, but it keeps the sacred Day Off from being all smudged with Old Manager's pushy fingerprints.
I've Gone Ostrich on this one as of now.
UPDATED AGAIN: Naught else was heard about the matter. No further calls, nothing said today when I went in to work, although to be fair I didn't see hide nor hair of Old Manager. Is this a dead deal or the clam before the storm?

Posted by LeeAnn at January 21, 2005 05:28 PM

Maybe the lessened contact with the plebs is some sort of sign?

Posted by: Chase at January 22, 2005 06:59 PM