March 23, 2004

Pits and Bieces

The GM1 recently accused me of having a bloggy eye.
We were driving to one of the less-frequented, poorly-organized malls, when I noticed that the mental health halfway house was directly across the street. I pointed it out to him and noted that this probably explained the randomized customer service at most shops in there, and he paused and said "You're blogging this already, aren't you?"
And I was.
It's all fodder, all of you, out there going about your lives with your quirks and your nose-picking and your poor traffic skills. You with your bus-babbling and your trolley-taunting and your mall-mangling. You there issuing incoherent memos, you there posting ambigous signage, you there leaving a raw turkey on the sidewalk in front of my apartment....
I've got my bloggy eye on you.

By the way, adorable visitor Xade commented on a post a bit down the page that he devoutly hopes in my new job I will have access to the "fairy floss" machine. I kind of doubt they'll allow someone like me to run machinery, particularly the fun stuff like that, but I have to tell you.... I freekin' LOVE the phrase "fairy floss."
So today's linky lovin' goes to Xade, because he's enriched my vocab.

An editorial clarification for those who missed the intended satirical tone because you are taking things a bit too freekin' seriously and I don't mean you, Pixy, because you are the epitome of coolness, but I've gotten mail on this so I feel I need to say something humor point in one of my innumerable recent meme/listy things..... I don't truly hate France. They make excellent cheese. The Eiffel Tower is kind of pretty. The accent, with the right words, is hot. But that's basically all I care for.
On the other hand, I really like the Japanese despite that horrid public toilet I once had to make use of at the train station. Ick.

Did we ever, really, truly and once and for all determine who let the dogs out?
I didn't think so.

Posted by LeeAnn at March 23, 2004 06:15 AM | TrackBack

I let the dogs out - me, me, me. Yes, I let the dogs out, this morning anyway.

Posted by: Lee at March 23, 2004 06:31 AM

Then the folks at Thinkgeek have a shirt just for you.
They also have Red Swingline Staplers.

Posted by: zenwanderer at March 23, 2004 07:00 AM

I need that shirt. I need it a lot!
But I already have a stapler... not as cool as a red swingline, but it'll do.

Posted by: LeeAnn at March 23, 2004 02:47 PM

:O YaY. Linky lovin... Look ma, I'm famous... :)

Posted by: xade at March 23, 2004 06:19 PM

hehe I have that shirt and it gets me too much attention when I wear it. blogging is just too much of a novelty still here downunder.

and speaking of fairy floss, I think it's cute when you guys say 'cotton candy'. so there you go. different cultures are to be celebrated :D

Posted by: goldie at March 28, 2004 05:42 AM