March 09, 2004

A Mere Dribble In the Cyber Spitbasin

I never thought it would happen to me.
(You really have to say that in the voice Steve Martin uses in "The Jerk" to get the full effect I'm going for, and if you don't remember it, I urge you to trot on down to the video store and rent it quickly, lest thou burst into uncultured flames and where the hell was I going with this anyways? Oh yeah....)
An antique post of mine has been pinged several times this morning, and while this, or some comment spam or such happens fairly regularly, this appears to come from a legitimate blog. Yet when I go to the blog (not my blog, the blog what has sent the ping, why in the world would I ping myself? Do I look like I'm modeling for a soon-to-be-banned London ad?) I can find zero mention of The Cheese, or even myself.
How odd is that? Even stranger, it appears to be a political blog, and anyone who knows me knows that The Cheese and meaningful political discourse are as disparate as John Kerry and credibility.
Nothing to fuss yourselves about, just my little morning mystery... and me without my trenchcoat.
Wonder if Columbo ever wore snazzy pink polkadot pajamas?

Posted by LeeAnn at March 9, 2004 06:59 AM

well, LeeAnn... I gotta tell ya... that is the grooviest post title I've ever had the pleasure to be pinged by... ;)

Posted by: Eric at March 9, 2004 07:12 AM

I've never seen Columbo wearing them, but I think MacGuyver made some out of duct tape once.

Posted by: Tiffany at March 9, 2004 10:14 AM

mmmm...LeeAnn in a trenchcoat... excuse me while I go script up a fantasy...

Posted by: Harvey at March 9, 2004 10:44 AM

I had something similar happen recently. Forget the blog name, but it pinged and I went to look and nothing whatsoever referring to me, me, me.

BTW, I come here for all my political news. And the recipes.

Posted by: topdawg at March 9, 2004 11:30 AM

Hmmmmm....was just investigating the same sort of mystery ping. Where's shaggy and scooby when you need them, huh? I'd think the spammers were starting to spoof IP's but I didn't get any odd comments. It looks as though we have the curious story of the blog that did not bark...

Posted by: zonker at March 9, 2004 09:22 PM