January 28, 2004

Made To Be Broken and Then Duct-taped To Within an Inch of Its Life

Da (or is it Der?) Commissar has released an edict on the Ten Rules of Blogging.
You all know what a vast and unceasing respect I have for rules, don't you?
Then let's begin.....

1. Do not apologize for light blogging.
I can't cop to this one, as I rarely apologize for anything. I'll admit my guilt, takes my lumps, and move on, but unless I drew blood or made you question my basic humanity (stop laughing), I don't often need to apologize.
In my case, some would say light blogging would be more of a blessing than something to be sorry for.

2. Do not link every word in sentence to a different post, like this.
Again, can't say I've done this either. Not out of any misplaced aesthetic, or respect for some arcane etiquette, but because I am too damn lazy. Linking is a lot of work, people! Don't I have enough to do cleaning up dead birds and watching crazy people?

3. One topic per post.
I am a big believer in efficiency and time-saving. If I can post about my mom, mad cow disease, and the democratic process as it applies to a thousand monkeys typing Shakespeare, I am damn well going to do it in one fell swoop.
I don't swoop fellishly nearly enough.
And a thousand monkeys... who can beat a thousand monkeys? Because, dammit, monkeys are cool.

4. Keep it short.
Sorry, but size does matter. If I can tell the tale in ten terse tones (and stop the alliteration before I alliterate again) then I will. But if it takes half a page of type and a fifth of Jack to do it properly, then short be damned and the editorial comments take the hindmost.
Yeah, babe, tell Shakespeare to keep it brief. Tell Tolkien putting it all in one book would have done nicely. Tell Mozart it has too many notes.

5. No "Free Trackback posts."

To be honest, I have to say I don't have clue one what this means. But I don't like the sound of that "no" business anyway.

6. No false updating,
If this means writing a post and saving it in draft for later publication, then I've happily broken that rule a million times over. (For you anal-retentives keeping score, no, I don't have a million posts. It's a phrase. Don't make me come back there.) Sometimes we all get on a roll, the posts just come flying off our little fingers... but do you want to shoot your wad in one day, when you can have a nice little nest egg to milk if later on the Inspiration Fairy is out sick?
(That was a blenderful of mixed metaphor, wasn't it?).
Sometimes too, we write things in the heat of passionate pissed-offed-ness, and don't get our ducks all in the proverbial row. But after a couple days of research and rethinking, maybe it's best for the post, and the reader of such, that we let it gestate for a while in the draft womb.
I am running out of analogy, so I shall stop here.
(By the way, I wrote this last week... still love me?)

7. Identify your sex.
Sure, and would you like to know what color undies I have on? What my mom's middle name is? What time I go to work so you can case the joint and swipe my teakettle collection?
Good writing doesn't have to show you I.D. Do you read with your balls or your eyes?

8. Maybe give us more than "Hey, I am bright conservative/liberal guy/gal, with news and views of the world."
If a blog is judged by its tagline, then I am so screwed, huh?

9. No quizzes.
At the risk of being indelicate, let me just say: Bullshit.
(was that in keeping with #4 enough for you?)

10. Set Site Meter to "Ignore Own Visits."
I was always of the school of thought that Sitemeter and the like were for keeping your own track of who's come over to visit, not measures of how big one's dick is.

In short, I have broken most of these rules, and will continue to do so. Know why? Because the blogosphere is a big old place, growing bigger by the minute and I sincerely doubt anyone can rein in enough of it to state categorically and definitively that there is an Ultimate Set of Rules for Blogging.
Personal guidelines? Take a shot. Personal preferences? Knock yourself out. Personal choices? That's what it's all about, Bucky.

Rules? Where we're going, we don't need rules.

Posted by LeeAnn at January 28, 2004 05:00 PM

Frankly, black on blue and blue on blue stuff I read with the tip of my nose. Cold compresses help. 101 proof bourbon does not.

Posted by: Jim-Parkway Rest Stop at January 28, 2004 05:18 PM

Rest easy, Jim, a new color change is coming soon.
I have design ADD or something. :)

Posted by: LeeAnn at January 28, 2004 05:20 PM

It's neither. (Da, Der)

Russian has no word for "the."

Thanks for the link.

Posted by: The Commissar at January 28, 2004 05:31 PM

I must be thinking of the song... "don't turn around, wo-ho-ho, ya ya, der commissar's in town, wo-ho-ho."
And you're welcome. :)

Posted by: LeeAnn at January 28, 2004 05:33 PM

Yes, that song was in german, not in russian.

Anyway, these rules are for ordinary bloggers, not for unique comedic geniuses, so you don't need to worry about them.

Posted by: Pixy Misa at January 28, 2004 08:47 PM

Well, it was in german before it was in english, anyway.

Posted by: Pixy Misa at January 28, 2004 08:48 PM

What I want to know is - do I have to have a site meter? Does anyone care how many people visit me? Should I care how many people visit me? If I care will I grow a bigger dick... oh wait... I can't do that anyway - Nevermind.

Posted by: Teresa at January 28, 2004 09:10 PM

LeeAnn - you write your own rules, and if they change 10 times a day, that's ok with me.
I love your stuff, you always bring me a smile.

And what is up with that Commissar guy - wanting to know if someone it male or female - is he lookin' for love?

Posted by: Beth at January 28, 2004 09:26 PM

LeeAnn - another priceless moment!

You were doing just fine with Made to be Broken.
Forget the duct tape.

Keep blogging in your own inimitable way!

Posted by: David at January 28, 2004 09:54 PM

A modified #9 - Don't do every freakin quiz you come across. I think I've posted maybe 5 quizes in all the years I've been blogging. Besides, by the time I get to them, every other blogger has already done them...I TRY to blog about things that people haven't yet.

Posted by: Greg at January 29, 2004 01:35 AM

Don't forget, Commissar is a blogger too. If you don't like his rules, oh well. No harm, no foul. He's just writing as the muse strikes him, same as the rest of us.

Posted by: Ted at January 29, 2004 04:25 AM

It should always be remembered that I write with one hand firmly on the whoopee cushion. :)

Posted by: LeeAnn at January 29, 2004 07:09 AM

I wouldn't change a thing about the way you blog. I break most of these "rules" too. I think being yourself and doing what YOU want is what matters. BTW, you are about the funniest person alive.

Posted by: 2flower at January 29, 2004 09:15 AM

Your blog, your rules.
Most of those rules I don't agree with either. A loose sense of ettiquette isn't a bad thing though.
I have no idea what #5 is but I agree with rules #1, #2 and #10.

Who else but you could workin a sick insperation fairy and typing monkeys into one post?

Posted by: zenwanderer at January 29, 2004 10:39 AM

No quizzes? You fail.

Posted by: Lee at January 29, 2004 11:13 AM

I have only three rules:

Don't blog about blogging ( I break this one a lot)

Don't blog about your family

Don't blog about work. (especially about your employer)

other than that, anyting goes.

Posted by: Stephen Macklin at January 29, 2004 11:43 AM

heh - she said "rules".

my favorite oxymoron is

aNaRchY rULeS

Posted by: Bob at January 29, 2004 03:00 PM

The Inspiration Fairy, yeah, I've got one of those; he lives at the bottom of my garden. Sometimes he in to hello. Sometimes not.

Posted by: Fi at January 29, 2004 06:00 PM

You have some group of readers. I keep getting these smart-ass comments and trackbacks from bloggers who say "I came here via LeeAnn."

You're obviously doing something right. Keep up the good work.

Posted by: The Commissar at January 29, 2004 06:01 PM

Commissar- Thank you. :) I don't know if they're my readers or just misguided people from Wisconsin, though. I get a lot of those.

Posted by: LeeAnn at January 29, 2004 06:48 PM

If I'm from Wisconsin, and one of your readers, does that in fact mean that I am misguided?

Posted by: triticale at January 30, 2004 05:45 AM

triticale- no, it means that only if you came here in search of other Wisconsinites, because we don't have a huge demographic in that area.
We do get a lot of people who think they're from Mars, though.
They think I am too.

Posted by: LeeAnn at January 30, 2004 06:03 AM


Please do something about these colors. Makes me want to drive ice picks into my eyes. That is if I could see to find the darn thing.

As for the rules. When is the last time you measured you dick ;-)

Posted by: Azygos at January 30, 2004 11:58 AM

Gee, I wish I could get this many comments on anything. I do understand it's hard to type with a barfbag in your hand, though. I'm having a Pepto moment now. Please try burnt umber, baby.

Posted by: Velociman at January 30, 2004 06:11 PM

thanks for brightening my day LeeAnn, this is the first time I've been here and you've made me spit my tea across my keyboard in laughter. And I agree with pretty much everything you've said above - nice work.

Posted by: goldie at February 2, 2004 09:37 PM

Fuck those rules. We make much much better rules over at the Famous QW.

Posted by: J at February 6, 2004 03:17 PM