January 20, 2004

Out In the Halle

This week's Entertainment Weekly has a little feature on an upcoming movie, "Catwoman", with Halle Berry as, well, Catwoman.
Co-star Sharon Stone says:

"There have been other Catwomen who were real actresses, but [none with] the depth of soul and spirit that Halle has."

Depth of soul and spirit
We are talking about a movie here whose main draw is Halle Berry in strategically ripped latex with a lot of cleavage. Not that I'm against cleavage, mind you. Cleavage is a great and wondrous thing that should not be belittled.
But c'mon.... depth of soul and spirit?

Methinks Ms. Stone, who has not made a decent movie since "Basic Instinct" (although "Antz" was pretty good), is trying to drum up some reflected glory for her own blonde self, now that she's kicked her komodo-dragon fodder hubby to the curb.
I'm just sayin'.
Yes, I know she's made plenty of movies since "Basic Instinct"... I just think they sucked. And phrases like "depth of soul and spirit" make my gorge engage. Needless new-age-speak always does that.

Posted by LeeAnn at January 20, 2004 01:10 PM

"make my gorge engage" ..... ewww.

The only Catwoman that matters is Julie Newmar.
OK, maybe Eartha Kitt too. She sure could purrrr.

Halle with kill that role as much as Val Kilmer nearly did for Batman.

Posted by: zenwanderer at January 20, 2004 04:39 PM

Julie Newmar. Accept no substitutes.
"To Wong Foo, Thanks for Everything! Halle Berry" just doesn't have the same appeal.

Posted by: Greg at January 21, 2004 12:52 PM

Komodo dragon fodder? (Reads story.)

Ye gods. These people are so stupid they got in a cage with a komodo dragon? Aj blu fnr gwk (Brain reboots.)

Komodo dragons are not fluffy huggy bunnies! They want to eat you. Dead, alive, whatever, you're food. Komodo dragons divide the world into three categories: food, other komodo dragons, and rocks. And they're not too fussy about that first distinction either.


Posted by: Pixy Misa at January 22, 2004 07:29 AM

C'mon. It's Sharon Stone. You expect her to make sense? Don't you remember - she had a stroke.

Posted by: Da Goddess at January 22, 2004 09:55 AM

Yes, Sharon smelled the toast... I'd forgotten that.
But not even that excuses new-age-speak.
I'm ruthless.

Posted by: LeeAnn at January 22, 2004 06:15 PM