December 24, 2003

Crack of What?

Sometime in the middle of the night, I hit my 10K visitor to this blog. I mean this incarnation, here on MuNu. That's been going on since September. The ur-Cheese began on blogspot in May.
Anyway, the point is.... um.... wait, let me think.
Obviously the point is I need more coffee.
Okay, the point is, I missed a big milestone moment because I wanted to cuddle up in bed with Neal Stephenson ("Quicksilver" is a great book, I kid you not, and it just might prove the adage that size DOES matter... it's over 900 pages and it's only volume one.... geez. I'm in reading heaven.) and now I think the only way to cure this neglect is for me to keep a sharp eye out for reader number 11,000.
If I get off my ever-so-very-early-in-the-morning babble-on-and-on-until-the-coffee-brews and-floods-my-brain-with-the-true-sentience-known-as-caffeine tush and get crafty, there might even be a prize in it. Maybe.
And maybe I'm just saying that so Santa will think I'm a good girl and bring that damn pony I've been waiting 40 30 a few years for.
But what I really want to say is: Happy Christmas Eve!!!
I hope I get an espresso machine with an I.V. attachment. And a heart defibrillator. And one of those Anne Geddes calendars.
UPDATE: Upon further exploration, complicated by the fact that I anal-retentive beast that I am placed two stat counters on this blog, I find maybe I haven't hit 10,000 after all. Or hit it last month. So now it's all a moo point (yes, I know it's really "moot" but on "Friends", Joey explained that a moo point is when something is like a cow's opinion.... doesn't matter. A moo point.) So anyway... kill the stopwatches, I'll think of something else.

Posted by LeeAnn at December 24, 2003 07:00 AM

IV attachement for the coffeemaker...LeeAnn, you could make billions!!!!

Posted by: Susie at December 24, 2003 07:48 AM