December 12, 2003

Nicely Naughty

I had to check the list twice: Santa's Naughty or Nice O' Meter.

the cheese
Much more nice than naughty. Can be very thoughtful. Has improved cleanliness, which I like. Could take better care of toys. Says "thank you" often, but still not as much as I would like. Good mood often spreads to others. Hopefully, will keep up the good work!

Nice, but a few naughty marks. Good sense of humor helps others to laugh. Manners show improvement, though must keep working on being polite. "Please" and "thank you" go a long way!!

(sneaked out of Mamageek's stocking, who is always on the "nice" list)

Posted by LeeAnn at December 12, 2003 06:50 AM

"Nice," but you'd better watch out! I'm checking my list (twice!) and I see that the manners sometimes slip a bit. Please remember to say "thank you" especially in a season when people are giving gifts and doing such nice things. Good work brushing those teeth! Floss regularly and you'll earn extra "Nice" points!

Posted by: Pixy Misa at December 12, 2003 08:33 AM