Pixy Misa has a plan to get us through what appears to be a dangerous dietary shortfall.... a distinct lack of anchovies.
He might have met this woman in his quest for replacement disgusting tasty treats. She was busted for smuggling pudding.
Yep, pudding. Apparently this pudding is so incredibly yummy she tried to sneak 2kg past sniffer dogs and security guards.
I think this must be the secret to its appeal:
"He said the woman had appeared in court last Friday and was fined $6600 after a magistrate noted that attempting to smuggle black and white pudding – which contains pork –..."
Pork. Pudding that contains pork.
Next thing you know she'll get an itch for spam jello.
I think that's British Pudding, which is nothing at all like North American Pudding.
Posted by: TwiddlyBits at October 21, 2003 07:51 AMI kind of figured that, since they like stuff that mushes up meat products (blood pudding, anyone?). It's just.... pork.
I like my pork the normal way... in little strips beside my eggs. Or being slutty around Kermit.