September 12, 2003

Off The Hook

I have officially reached the point of being an Old Fart. One of the characteristics of Old Farts is the inability to keep up with slang. I realized this when I was channel-surfing and landed on one of those teen-based shows on the WB. Might as well have been in Turkish.

I don't know what the hell they were talking about. Someone was overweight and had done something that left the phone disconnected, perhaps?

Slang is a slippery critter. Terms that were in play when I was in high school have shed their skins and assumed other meanings. Remember "ball"? Not the toy, but in reference to the sexual act? And "petting", that's strictly for the kiddie corral at the zoo these days. "Far out" is a place it takes longer to arrive at. "Uptight" is where thongs go.

The GM1 has lost weight and I know he's only done it to annoy me, damn his skinny butt. His shorts, as he stood brushing his teeth, hung down on his hips like one of those skateboard kids with the terminally droopy drawers.
"You look like some little rapper freak" I teased him. "All Kid Rocky M&M or something."
I tried to follow it up with some rapper lingo and that's when I hit the slang wall.

So I told him he was a shazbat funk-knuckle.
Works for me.

Posted by LeeAnn at September 12, 2003 09:10 AM


Never heard a CPO use the phrase funk-knuckle. I think you misspelled a word.

Posted by: Victor at September 12, 2003 09:52 AM

I told my little nephew to come on over to Auntie Anna as she needed to lay down some "shazbot" for him.


"Okay, then how about some shizknit?"

[blank stare]

I then said "Fo-shnizzle my nozzle."

[crickets chirping]

I think I'm old.

Posted by: Anna at September 12, 2003 10:28 AM

Try working with a bunch of fly kids (the slightly-older-than-our-patients nurses)who know what the 411 is.

I feel old. Really, really old. But, thankfully, I have them translate every third sentence and I'm slowly catching on.

I thought of writing a dictionary to help us old fogeys....but it'd be obsolete by the time I was done.

Posted by: Da Goddess at September 13, 2003 10:04 AM

Ah yes. the wonders of slang. Its so much fun when we dance circles around the old people's heads. Half the time the teachers don't understand us. But it does go both ways. My english teacher uses some out-of-date slang too.

Posted by: Mookie at September 13, 2003 11:32 AM